
TILT & Roller CART

Tracks and this cart made pressure testing for DOT requirements possible in well under an hour with basic equipment. This was a large Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) pressure vessel and done more quickly than some thought possible.

Pattern following Bumper (end cap) trim station

This was done in one week from assignment to operational fixture on a shoe string. A new fit was required for existing components until molds could be produced in several weeks. Operation was a little messy, but practical.



Aluminum oxide is an abrasive material, common in sand paper and grinding stones. It will definitely be hard enough to do damage to the fine carbon fibers. Many polymers are about the soft enough to be safe for the fine carbon fibers.


Positive air pressure in the controls area means no dust or contaminates drift in. Negative air pressure for the carbon fiber delivery area means any loose carbon fibers are more likely to be retained. Precisely regulated compressed air can improve dancer performance and thus help keeps fiber tension from dropping.

SERVO Intelligence

There are powerful features built-in to servo controls. These can compliment other needed features in a complete system architecture.