A tired man during a week in Germany.

A tired man during a week in Germany.

Daniel Garbe


Built his first profitable machine in 1977 after his father asked if he could make him a large food dehydrator. Several were made a sold. Still a little hot-rod designer in his soul and has been heard to say, “If they are faster than me I’ll pay more attention.”.

Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering, 15 credit hours toward Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and 30 years of experience in industrial and aerospace manufacturing.


Dan Garbe

Project Coordinator

There is a great group of suppliers, fabricators, and others behind anything we do. We expect to coordinate anything you would like to have your people involved in as well. The followup will include answering any questions to be sure everything works the way you need it to.


Go Getter


Experience yes, biography not published.